
Introduction to psychology : gateways to mind and behavior /

Martini, Tanya.

Introduction to psychology : gateways to mind and behavior / Tanya Martini, Dennis Coon, John Mitterer. - Fifteenth edition. - xxvii & 704p. ill 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction A Psychologist’s Skill Set—Reflective Studying
I.1 What’s in It for You?—More Than You Might Think
A Psychologist’s Skill Set
How This Book Will Help You with Skill Development
Reflective Learning: The Most Important Ingredient
I.2 Reflective Reading—How to Tame a Textbook
How to Use Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior
Going Digital
I.3 Reflective Note Taking—LISAN Up!
Using and Reviewing Your Notes
I.4 Reflective Study Strategies—Making a Habit of Success
Strategies for Studying
Strategies for Taking Tests
Procrastination: Don’t Be Late!
The Whole Human: Psychology and You
1 Psychology, Critical Thinking, and Science
The Triple Seven Quest
1.1 Commonsense Psychology—Isn’t It All Common Sense?
Commonsense Psychology
1.2 Introspection and the First Scientific Psychologists— Inward Ho!
Gestalt Psychology
The Shortcomings of Introspection
1.3 Beyond Introspection— Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis, Humanism, and Biopsychology
Psychoanalytic Psychology
Humanistic Psychology
1.4 The Rise of Cognitive Psychology—Recovering the Mind
1.5 The Biopsychosocial Model—One Model to Rule Them All
The Biological Perspective
The Psychological Perspective
The Social Perspective
1.6 Psychologists— Guaranteed Not to Shrink
Helping People
Other Mental Health Professionals
1.7 The Core Features of Contemporary Psychology— Critical Science?
Psychology’s Goals
Critical Thinking in Contemporary Psychology
Critical Thinking Principles
Scientific Research in Contemporary Psychology
The Six Steps of the Scientific Method
Research Ethics
1.8 The Experiment—Where Cause Meets Effect
Variables and Groups
Evaluating Results
1.9 Double-Blind—On Placebos and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Research Participant Bias
Researcher Bias
1.10 Descriptive Research Methods—Get Out the Critter Cam
Naturalistic Observation
Correlational Research
Case Studies
Survey Method
1.11 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Information Literacy— How Do You Know?
2 Brain and Behavior
2.1 The Nervous System— Wired for Action
The Peripheral Nervous System
2.2 Neurons, Synapses, and Neural Networks— Building a Biocomputer
Parts of a Neuron
Neural Function
Synaptic Transmission
Neural Networks
2.3 Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis—The Dynamic Nervous System
2.4 Brain Research—How to Look Under Your Skull
Mapping Brain Structure—Pieces of the Puzzle
Exploring Brain Function
2.5 The Cerebral Hemispheres—Wrinkle, Wrinkle, Little Star
The Cerebral Hemispheres
The Split-Brain
2.6 The Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex—Which Part Does What?
2.7 The Subcortex—At the Core of the (Brain) Matter
The Hindbrain
The Cerebellum
Locked-In Syndrome
The Forebrain
The Whole Human
2.8 The Endocrine System—My Hormones Made Me Do It
Glands of the Endocrine System
2.9 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Self-regulation—Control Yourself!
The Frontal Lobes—The Executive Living in Your Brain
From Marshmallows to Retirement Funds
3 Human Development
Preview: It’s a Boy!
3.1 Stages of Development—It Takes Two to Tango
The Prenatal Stage
Infancy and Childhood
Adolescence and Adulthood
3.2 Physical Development— Were You a Little Trapeze Artist Too?
Physical Development in Infancy and Childhood
Physical Development in Adolescence and Adulthood
3.3 Emotional Development— Smile, Stranger!
Day Care
3.4 Psychosocial Development— Rocky Road or Garden Path?
Stage 1: First Year of Life
Stage 2: 1–3 Years
Stage 3: 3–5 Years
Stage 4: 6–12 Years
Stage 5: Adolescence
Stage 6: Young Adulthood
Stage 7: Middle Adulthood
Stage 8: Late Adulthood
Focus on Parenting
3.5 Moral Development— Growing a Conscience
Moral Emotions
Moral Thinking
3.6 Language Development— Say What?
Language and the Terrible Twos
The Roots of Language
3.7 Cognitive Development— Escaping Egocentrism
Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
Piaget Today
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
3.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Ethical Behavior—Valuing Values
Ethical Behavior––Truth or Consequences
4 Sensation and Perception
4.1 Sensory Processes—The First Step
4.2 Selective Attention— Tuning In and Tuning Out
4.3 Vision—The Most Important Sense?
Structure of the Eye
Rods and Cones
Color Vision
Seeing in the Dark
4.4 Hearing—Good Vibrations
How We Hear Sounds
4.5 Smell and Taste—The Nose Knows When the Tongue Can’t Tell
The Sense of Smell
Taste and Flavors
4.6 The Somesthetic Senses— Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
The Skin Senses
The Vestibular System
4.7 Perceptual Processes— The Second Step
Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processing
Gestalt Organizing Principles
Perceptual Constancies
4.8 Depth Perception—What If the World Were Flat?
Binocular Depth Cues
Monocular Depth Cues
4.9 Perceptual Learning— Believing is Seeing
Motives, Emotions, and Perception
Perceptual Expectancies
Perceptual Learning: Do They See What We See?
4.10 Becoming a Better Eyewitness to Life— Pay Attention!
The Whole Human: Perceptual Accuracy
The Value of Paying Attention
How to Become a Better “Eyewitness” to Life
4.11 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Effective Communication— Making Your Point
Receiving Information: Reading and Listening
Providing Information: Writing and Speaking
What’s the Best Communication Style?
5 States of Consciousness
Blown Away
5.1 States of Consciousness— The Many Faces of Awareness
Disorders of Consciousness
Altered States of Consciousness
5.2 Hypnosis—Look into My Eyes
Theories of Hypnosis
The Reality of Hypnosis
5.3 Meditation, Sensory Deprivation, and Mindfulness—Chilling, the Healthy Way
The Whole Human: Mindfulness and Well-Being
5.4 Sleep Patterns and Stages—The Nightly Roller Coaster
Sleep Patterns
Sleep Stages
5.5 Functions of Sleep— Catching a Few ZZZs
The Need for Sleep
Sleep and Memory
5.6 Dreams—A Royal Road?
Dream Theories
Dream Worlds
5.7 Sleep Troubles—Some Things That Go Wrong in the Night
Insomnia Disorder
Disorders of Arousal—Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking, and Sleepsex
Nightmare Disorder and Sleep Terrors
Sleep Apneas
5.8 Drug-Altered Consciousness— The High and Low of It
Patterns of Psychoactive Drug Use
Psychoactive Drugs and the Brain
Drug Dependence
5.9 Stimulants—Up, Up, and Away
5.10 Depressants—Down and Out
5.11 Hallucinogens—Tripping the Light Fantastic
5.12 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Metacognition—What Do You Think of . . . You?
Do You Know What You Don’t Know?
Thinking About Thinking
6 Conditioning and Learning
Now That’s Discrimination!
6.1 Learning—One Way or Another
Types of Associative Learning
6.2 Classical Conditioning— The Nobel Drool
Pavlov’s Experiment
Principles of Classical Conditioning
6.3 Classical Conditioning in Humans—An Emotional Topic
Conditioned Emotional Responses
Vicarious, or Secondhand, Conditioning
6.4 Operant Conditioning— Shape Up!
Positive Reinforcement
Acquiring an Operant Response
Operant Extinction
Negative Reinforcement
6.5 Stimulus Control—Red Light, Green Light
6.6 Reinforcers—What’s Your Pleasure?
Primary Reinforcement
Secondary Reinforcement
6.7 Partial Reinforcement— Las Vegas, a Human Skinner Box?
Schedules of Partial Reinforcement
6.8 Effective Punishment— Putting the Brakes on Behavior
Variables Affecting Punishment
The Downside of Punishment
Using Punishment Wisely
6.9 Cognitive Learning— Beyond Conditioning
Latent Learning
Cognitive Maps
Learning Aids
Discovery Learning
6.10 Observational Learning— Do as I Do, Not as I Say
Modeling and the Media
6.11 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Behavioral SelfManagement— A Rewarding Project
Behavioral Self-Management
7 Memory
My Memory Rules My Life
7.1 Stages of Memory—The Short and Long of It
Sensory Memory
Short-Term Memory
Long-Term Memory
The Relationship Between STM and LTM
7.2 Short-Term (Working) Memory—Do You Know the Magic Number?
Storage and Rehearsal in Short-Term (Working) Memory
The Capacity of Short-Term (Working) Memory
7.3 Long-Term Memory— A Blast from the Past
Encoding and Culture
Storage in LTM
False Memories
Organizing Memories
Types of Long-Term Memory
7.4 Measuring Memory—The Answer Is on the Tip of My Tongue
Recalling Information
Recognizing Information
Relearning Information
Explicit and Implicit Memories
7.5 Forgetting—Do You Have a Mind Like a Steel Trap? Or a Sieve?
Encoding Failure
Storage Failure
Retrieval Failure
7.6 Memory and the Brain— Some “Shocking” Findings
Long-Term Memory and the Brain
7.7 Exceptional Memory— Wizards of Recall
7.8 Improving Memory—Some Keys to (Memory) Success
Encoding Strategies
Retrieval Strategies
7.9 Mnemonics—Tricks of the (Memory) Trade
Create Acrostics
Create Mental Images
Create Stories or Chains
7.10 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Giving Memorable Presentations—Win the War
Start Talking
8 Cognition, Language, and Creativity
8.1 What Is Thinking?— Brains over Brawn
Some Basic Units of Thought
8.2 Mental Imagery—Does a Frog Have Lips?
Creating and Using Mental Images
8.3 Concepts—I’m Positive It’s a Whatchamacallit
Forming Concepts
Types of Concepts
8.4 Language—Say What?
Linguistic Relativity: What’s North of My Fork?
The Structure of Language
Gestural Languages
Animal Language
8.5 Problem Solving— Go Figure
Algorithmic Solutions
Solutions by Understanding
Insightful Solutions
Common Barriers to Problem Solving
Experts and Novices
8.6 Creative Thinking—Down Roads Less Traveled
Tests of Creativity
Stages of Creative Thought
The Whole Human: The Creative Personality
8.7 Intuitive Thought—Mental Shortcut? Or Dangerous Detour?
Errors in Intuitive Thought
8.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Creativity and Innovation— Getting a Leg Up
The DNA of Innovation
Psychology and Creativity
9 Intelligence
Homo Sapiens
9.1 Human Intelligence— IQ and You
Defining Intelligence
Reliability and Validity
9.2 Testing Intelligence— The Bell Curve
The Stanford-Binet Factors
The Wechsler Tests
Group Tests
Intelligence Quotients
9.3 Variations in Intelligence— Who’s the Smartest?
IQ and Age
IQ and Sex
IQ and Achievement
9.4 The Intellectually Gifted— Smart, Smarter, Smartest
Gifted Children
9.5 Intellectual Disability— A Difference That Makes a Difference
Causes of Intellectual Disability
9.6 Heredity and Environment—Super Rats, Family Trees, and Video Games
Hereditary Influences
Environmental Influences
IQ and Race
9.7 Beyond Psychometric Intelligence—Intelligent Alternatives to “g”
The Intelligent Nervous System
Intelligent Information Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Multiple Intelligences
The Whole Human: Wisdom
9.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Emotional Intelligence— The Right Way?
Reading Emotions
10 Motivation and Emotion
No Need to Tell Adele
10.1 Motivation—Forces That Push and Pull
A Model of Motivation
10.2 Motives in Perspective— A View from the Pyramid
Self-Determination Theory and Intrinsic Motivation
Turning Play into Work
10.3 Hunger—Pardon Me, My Hypothalamus Is Growling
Internal Factors in Hunger
External Factors in Hunger and Obesity
Eating Disorders
Culture, Ethnicity, and Dieting
10.4 Biological Motives Revisited—Thirst, Pain, and Sex
The Sex Drive
10.5 Stimulus Motives— Monkey Business
Arousal Theory
Peak Performance
Coping with Test Anxiety
10.6 Learned Motives—The Pursuit of Excellence
Opponent-Process Theory
Social Motives
The Need for Achievement
10.7 Inside an Emotion— Caught in That Feeling?
Basic Emotions
10.8 Emotion and Physiological Arousal—Fleeing, Fighting, Lying
Fight or Flight
Lie Detectors
Emotion and the Brain
10.9 Emotion and Behavioral Changes—Making Faces and Talking Bodies
Facial Expressions
10.10 Emotion and Cognition— Several Ways to Fear a Bear
The James-Lange Theory
The Cannon-Bard Theory
Cognitive Theories of Emotion
The Facial Feedback Hypothesis
A Contemporary Model of Emotion
10.11 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Positivity and Optimism—A Lucky Man
Facing Adversity
11 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Welcome to the Rainbow
11.1 Sexual Development— Circle One: XX or XY
Dimensions of Sex
11.2 Sexual Orientation— Who Do You Love?
The Stability of Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation Today
11.3 Gender Identity— It Begins Early
Gender Roles
Acquiring Gender Identity
11.4 Androgyny—A Bit of Both
Psychological Androgyny
11.5 When Sex and Gender Do Not Match—The Binary Busters
11.6 The Human Sex Drive and Sexual Response— Gotta Have It
Human Sexual Response
11.7 Contemporary Sexual Attitudes and Behavior— Anything Goes?
Contemporary Sexual Behavior
Sex Among the Young
11.8 Satisfying Relationships— Keeping It Hot
Bridges to Sexual Satisfaction
Intimacy and Communication
11.9 The Crime of Rape— No Means No
Forcible Rape
Acquaintance Rape
Gender Role Stereotypes and Rape Myths
11.10 Sexual Dysfunctions— When Intimacy Fails
Desire Disorders
Arousal Disorders
Orgasm Disorders
Sexual Pain Disorders
11.11 Atypical Sexual Behavior—Fifty Shades of Unusual
11.12 STDs and Safer Sex— Choice, Risk, and Responsibility
Behavioral Risk Factors for STDs
Safer Sex
11.13 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Civic Engagement— Raising Awareness
Being Civic-Minded
The Benefits of Civic Engagement
Skilled Civic Engagement
Generation Me or We?
12 Personality
Same Old Winston
12.1 The Psychology of Personality—Do You Have Personality?
The Whole Human: Personality Theories
12.2 Personality Assessment— Psychological Yardsticks
Direct Observation and Rating Scales
Personality Questionnaires
Projective Tests of Personality
12.3 The Trait Approach— Describe Yourself in 18,000 Words or Less
Predicting Behavior
Classifying Traits
The Big Five
12.4 Psychoanalytic Theory— Id Came to Me in a Dream
The Structure of Personality
The Dynamics of Personality
Personality Development
The Neo-Freudians
12.5 Humanistic Theory—Peak Experiences and Personal Growth
Maslow and Self-Actualization
The Whole Human: Thriving
Carl Rogers’s Self Theory
Humanistic View of Development
12.6 Learning Theories of Personality—Habit I Seen You Before?
How Situations Affect Behavior
Personality = Habitual Behavior
Social Learning Theory
Behaviorist View of Development
12.7 Traits and Situations— The Great Debate
Do We Inherit Personality?
Personality and Environment
12.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Leadership—Just Follow Me
Becoming a Good Leader— Learning to lead
13 Health, Stress, and Coping
Regina’s Term from Heck
13.1 Health Psychology—Here’s to Your Good Health
Lifestyle Diseases—Reducing Behavioral Risk Factors
Subjective Well-Being—Increasing Health Promoting Behaviors
13.2 Stress—Threat or Thrill?
Appraising Stressors
Poverty and Health
13.3 Stressors—The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Life Events and Stress
The Hazards of Hassles
Acculturative Stress—Stranger in a Strange Land
Managing Conflicts
13.4 Coping Styles—Making the Best of It
Coping With Traumatic Stress
13.5 Psychological Defense— Mental Gymnastics?
13.6 Learned Helplessness and Depression—Is There Hope?
Learned Helplessness
The College Blues
13.7 Stress and Health— Unmasking a Hidden Killer
Psychosomatic Disorders
Personality and Health
The Whole Human: Hardiness, Optimism, and Happiness
13.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Stress Management— Send Silence Packing
Managing Bodily Effects
Modifying Ineffective Behavior
Counteracting Upsetting Thoughts
14 Psychological Disorders
Break In or Break Down?
14.1 Normality—What’s Normal?
Mental Disorders Are Maladaptive
Abnormal Behavior and the Law
14.2 Classifying Mental Disorders—Problems by the Book
Mental Illness in Other Cultures
The Fluidity of Psychiatric Categories
The Impact of Psychiatric Labels
14.3 Diagnosing Mental Illness—Attaching a Label to the Person
Types of Symptoms
14.4 Causes of Mental Illness—What Went Wrong?
Biological Factors
Psychosocial Factors
14.5 Psychotic Disorders— The Dark Side of the Moon
Delusional Disorders
14.6 Schizophrenia—Shattered Reality
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Causes of Schizophrenia
The Stress-Vulnerability Model
14.7 Mood Disorders—Peaks and Valleys
Depressive Disorders
Bipolar and Related Disorders
Causes of Mood Disorders
14.8 Suicide—Too Permanent A Solution?
14.9 Anxiety Disorders— High Anxiety
Anxiety Disorders
Causes of Anxiety Disorders
14.10 Anxiety-Related Disorders—Also Anxious?
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Traumaand Stressor-Related Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
14.11 Personality Disorders— Blueprints for Maladjustment
Maladaptive Personality Patterns
Antisocial Personality Disorder
14.12 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Perseverance—True Grit
Measuring Grit
15 Therapies
Paddle Like a Duck
15.1 Origins of Therapy— Bored Out of Your Skull
15.2 Psychoanalysis—The Talking Cure
Psychotherapy Since Freud
15.3 Dimensions of Therapy— The Many Paths to Health
Insight versus Action Therapy
Directive versus Nondirective Therapy
Open-Ended versus Time-Limited Therapy
Individual versus Group Therapy
Face-to-Face versus Distance Therapy
15.4 Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning— Healing by Learning
Aversion Therapy
Exposure Therapy
15.5 Operant Therapies— All the World Is a Skinner Box?
Nonreinforcement and Operant Extinction
Reinforcement and Token Economies
15.6 Humanistic Therapies— The Third Force
Client-Centered Therapy
Existential Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
15.7 Cognitive and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies— Think and Act Positive!
Cognitive Therapy for Depression
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
15.8 Medical Therapies— When Talk Won’t Do
Drug Therapies
Brain Stimulation Therapy
Community Mental Health Programs
15.9 Therapies—An Overview
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
Core Features of Therapy
15.10 A Psychologists Skill Set: Managing Mental Health— Learning to Say “Shhhh”
Talking About Problems: Basic Counseling Skills
Getting Counseling
16 Social Thinking and Social Influence
Call Them The Way You See Them
16.1 Humans in a Social Context—Mind Your Manners
Social Roles
Group Structure, Cohesion, and Norms
16.2 Social Cognition— Behind Our Masks
Social Comparison
Attribution Theory
Differences in Attributions about Ourselves and Others
16.3 Attitudes—Belief + Emotion + Action
Attitude Measurement
Forming Attitudes
Attitudes and Behavior
16.4 Attitude Change—When the Seekers Went Public
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
16.5 Social Influence—Follow the Leader
16.6 Mere Presence—Just Because You Are There
Personal Space
Spatial Norms
Social Facilitation and Loafing
16.7 Conformity—Don’t Stand Out
16.8 Compliance—A Foot in the Door
16.9 Obedience—Would You Electrocute a Stranger?
16.10 Coercion—Brainwashing and Cults
16.11 Assertiveness—Stand up for Your Rights
16.12 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Teamwork—Imagine Me and You
Becoming a Team Player
17 Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior
Love and Hate
17.1 Prosocial Behavior—The “Snuggle” for Survival
A Shocking Experience
17.2 Interpersonal Attraction— Social Magnetism
Finding Potential Friends
Getting to Know One Another: Self-Disclosure
Social Exchange Theory
17.3 Loving—Dating and Mating
Interpersonal Attraction, Love and Attachment
Evolution and Mate Selection
17.4 Helping Strangers— The Ultimate Kindness
Bystander Intervention
Who Will Help Whom?
17.5 Antisocial Behavior—The World’s Most Dangerous Animal
Biology and Aggression
Frustration and Aggression
Social Learning and Aggression
Preventing Aggression
17.6 Prejudice—Attitudes That Injure
Forms of Prejudice
Becoming Prejudiced
The Prejudiced Personality
17.7 Intergroup Conflict— The Roots of Prejudice
Experiments in Prejudice
Combatting Prejudice
17.8 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Diversity and Inclusion— Think Pink!
Tolerance and Acceptance
Being Open to Openness
18 Applied Psychology
Environmental Melancholia
18.1 Industrial/Organizational Psychology—Psychology at Work
Theory X Leadership
Theory Y Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Leadership Strategies
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Culture
Personnel Psychology
Job Analysis
Selection Procedures
Performance Appraisal
18.2 Environmental Psychology—Boots Too Big?
Environmental Influences on Behavior
Environmental Problem Solving
Space Habitats
18.3 Human Influences on the Natural Environment— Sustaining Spaceship Earth
Social Dilemmas
18.4 Psychology and Law— Judging Juries
Jury Behavior
Jury Selection
18.5 Educational Psychology— An Instructive Topic
Elements of a Teaching Strategy
Accommodating the Instructional Needs of Different Learners
18.6 Sports Psychology— Psyched!
Motor Skills
The Whole Human: Peak Performance
18.7 A Psychologist’s Skill Set: Career Preparation— Hi Ho, Hi Ho
Investigate Potential Career Paths Now
Find Out About Necessary Skills
Assess Your Current Skill Set and Your Characteristics
Work to Develop Necessary Skills
Document Key Learning Experiences
Examine Your Digital Footprint
The Whole Human: Psychology and You
Appendix—Statistical Literacy
A Stretch for Samantha and Grandma
A.1 Descriptive Statistics— Psychology by the Numbers
Graphical Statistics
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Variability
Standard Scores
The Normal Curve
A.2 Correlation—Rating Relationships
The Correlation Coefficient
A.3 Inferential Statistics— Significant Numbers
Samples and Populations
Significant Differences
Author Index
Subject Index / Glossary

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