Rocher, Graeme Keith.

The definitive guide to Grails / Graeme Rocher and Jeff Brown. - 2nd ed. - Berkeley, CA : New York : Apress ; Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag, c2009. - xxviii, 618 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - The expert's voice in Web development . - Expert\'s voice in Web development. .

Includes index.

1.The essence of Grails -- 2.Getting started with Grails -- 3.Understanding Domain classes -- 4.Understanding controllers -- 5.Understanding views -- 6.Mapping URLs -- 7.Internationalization -- 7.Ajax -- 9.Creating flows -- 10.GORM -- 11.Services -- 12.Integrating Grails -- 13.Plugins -- 14.Security -- 15.Web services -- 16.Leveraging Spring -- 17.Legacy integration with Hibernate -- Appendix: The Groovy language.

9781590599952 (pbk.) 9781590599952


Web site development.
Groovy (Computer program language)
Application software--Development
Programming & scripting languages: general
Software Engineering
Web programming

TK5105.8883 / .R63 2009

005.72 ROC