Silberschatz, Abraham.

Database system concepts / Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan. - 3rd ed. - New York ; London : McGraw-Hill, 1997. - xxii, 821p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - McGraw-Hill international editions. Computer science series . - McGraw-Hill Series in Computer Science. . - McGraw-Hill series in computer science. .

Previous ed.: 1991.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 763-808) and index.

1.Introduction -- 2.Entity - relationship model -- 3.Relational model -- 4.SQL -- 5.Other relational languages -- 6.Integrity constraints -- 7.Relational database design -- 9.Object-oriented databases -- 9.Object-relational databases -- 10.Storage and file structure -- 11.Indexing and hashing -- 12.Query processing -- 13.Transactions -- 14.Concurrency control -- 15.Recovery system -- 16.Database system architectures -- 17.Parallel databases -- 18.Distributed databases -- 19.Special topics -- 20.Advanced transaction processing -- 21.New applications.

This revision aid presents fundamental principles and concepts, including significant new material on object-oriented and distributed systems, and SQL. This edition also includes more case studies and problems.

9780071148108 (pbk.) : £22.99 0071148108

Database management.
Computers and IT.
Systems analysis & design
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Database software

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