Hirsch, Scott.

Pro Tools 7 session secrets : professional recipes for high-octane results / Scott Hirsch, Steve Heithecker. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Chichester : Wiley ; John Wiley [distributor], c2006. - xx, 300 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

1.Recording and microphones -- 2.MIDI with confidence -- 3.Editing: slip. shuffle, and sport your way home -- 4.The way of the insert: inserts and FX -- 5.Mixing in Pro Tools: directing audio traffic --6.After the bounce, or life outside of Pro Tools -- 7.Postproduction and the world of surround.

'Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets' presents real world tips and tricks, written by certified Pro Tools experts. It includes recording, editing, composing, and mixing know-how.

9780471933984 (pbk.) : £25.99 9780471933984 (pbk.) : Đ25.99

Pro Tools (Computer file)

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