Passmore, Jonathan.

Appreciative inquiry for change management : using AI to facilitate organizational development / Jonathan Passmore, Sarah Lewis, Stefan Cantore. - London : Kogan Page, 2007. - 240 p. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p.231-239) and index.

Organisations as machines, workers as cogs and management as a control process; An alternative approach: organizations as living human systems; The development of conversational approaches to organizational change; Appreciative Inquiry: How do you do it?; The power of the question; The power of conversation; Extending practice: working with story in organizations; Developing your conversational practice; Becoming an appreciative conversational practitioner; How to introduce appreciative inquiry and related approaches to your organization

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is one of the most exciting and increasingly recognised concepts in facilitating organisational change. This book studies AI in depth, illustrating the method of asking particular questions and envisioning the future, encouraging staff to consider both the positive and negative systems in place.

9780749450717 (hbk.) : £29.99 9780749450717


Organizational effectiveness.
Management--Employee participation
Appreciative inquiry.
Organizational change--Management
Organizational change.
Organizational behavior.
Communication in management.
Organizational change--Case studies
Organizational behavior--Case studies
Communication in management--Case studies
Business and Management.
Personnel & human resources management


658.4063 LEW