West, Jackson.

Sams teach yourself Macromedia Fireworks MX in 24 hours / Teach yourself Macromedia Fireworks MX in 24 hours Teach yourself Macromedia Fireworks X in 24 hours Macromedia Fireworks X in 24 hours Jackson West, Lon Coley. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Hemel Hempstead : Sams ; Prentice Hall [distributor], 2002. - xiv, 510 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Sams teach yourself in 24 hours .

Includes index.

1.Getting to know the Fireworks MX interface -- 2.Image collection and management -- 3.Choosing optimization and exploring graphics -- 4.Working with bitmap images -- 5.Editing bitmap graphics -- 6.Improving photos -- 7.Working with vector paths -- 8.Creating text and typographic effects -- 9.Tools and techniques for layout and design -- 10.Tricks of the trade -- 11.Planning and creating animation for the web -- 12.Improving and finishing your animation -- 13.Working with Flash MX -- 14.Slicing layouts -- 15.Creating interactive graphics -- 16.Exporting HTML code from Fireworks -- 17.Working with dreamweaver MX -- 18.Batch processing and configuration sharing -- 19.Creating custom scripts for the commands menu -- 20.Harnessing the power of macromedia extensions -- 21.Adobe Photoshop and ImageReady -- 22.Macromedia FreeHand and adobe illustrator -- 23.HTML options and editors -- 24.Microsoft Office.

A carefully organized tutorial on how to create and edit Web graphics, this text provides readers with everything they would need to know in order to use Fireworks in a professional graphics production environment.

9780672324055 (pbk.) : �17.99 9780672324055 �43.14

Macromedia Fireworks (Computer file)

Computers and IT.
Graphical & digital media applications
Desktop publishing
Internet guides & online services


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