Castro, Elizabeth.

HTML, XHTML & CSS / HTML for the World Wide Web by Elizabeth Castro. - 6th ed. - Berkeley, Calif. : London : Peachpit ; Pearson Education [distributor], c2007. - 456 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. - Visual quickstart guide . - Visual quickstart guide .

Previous ed.: published as HTML for the World Wide Web with XHTML and CSS. Includes index.

1.Web page building blocks -- 2.Working with web page files -- 3.Basic (X)HTML structure -- 4.Basic (X)HTML formatting -- 5.Images -- 6.Links -- 7.Sytle sheeting building blocks -- 8.Working with style sheet files -- 9.Defining selectors -- 10.Formatting with styles -- 11.Layout with styles -- 12.Dynamic effects with styles -- 13.Style sheets for handhelds -- 14.Style sheets for printing -- 15.Lists -- 16.Tables -- 17.Forms -- 18.Video, audio, and other multimedia -- 19.Scrips -- 20.A tase of JavaScript -- 21.Symobls and non-English characters -- 22.Testing and debugging web pages -- Publishing your pages on the web -- 24.Getting people to visit -- 25.Syndication and podcasting.

This text takes an easy, visual approach to guiding the reader through the software & demonstrating procedures. It acts like a reference book with concise straightforward explanations.

9780321430847 (pbk.) : £21.99 0321430840 (pbk.) : Đ21.99


Electronic publishing.
XHTML (Document markup language)
Cascading style sheets.
Hypertext systems.
HTML (Document markup language)
Web sites--Design
Computers and IT.
Web programming
Computer programming / software engineering


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