Anderson, Andy.

Brilliant Adobe Photoshop CS2 / Andy Anderson, Steve Johnson. - Harlow : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. - xx, 524 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes index.

1.Getting started with photoshop CS2 -- 2.Understanding navigation and measurement systems -- 3.Customising the way you work -- 4.Mastering the art of selection -- 5.Working with layers -- 6.Working with the history palette -- 7.Working with adjustment layers, filters, and tools -- 8.Understanding colors and channels -- 9.Using the paint, shape drawing, and eraser tools -- 10.Creating layer and channel masks -- 11.Using the paths palette -- 12.Working with layer styles -- 13.Getting creative with type -- 14.Manipulating images with filters -- 15.Automating your work with actions -- 16.Controlling image output -- 17.Working with automated commands -- 18.Managing color from monitor to print -- 19.Designing for the web.

Spend less time reading and more time doing with a simple step-by-step approach to beginner and intermediate level office tasks. Brilliant guides provide you with the quick, easy-to-access information that you need.

9780132369985 (pbk.) : £12.99 978132369985 (pbk.) : Đ12.99

Adobe Photoshop.

Computers and IT.
Personal computers
Operating systems
Microsoft (Windows) operating systems
Graphical & digital media applications


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