Foggon, Damien.

Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 databases : from novice to professional / Damien Foggon. - Berkeley, Calif. : Apress, c2006. - xxvii, 625 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes index. All you need to know to build database-driven ASP.NET web sites, using ASP.NET 2.0 and C#--Cover.

1.Data sources and the web -- 2.Introducing relational databases -- 3.Displaying data on a page -- 4.Database access in code -- 5.DataReader and DataSet -- 6.Inline and list binding -- 7.Table binding -- 8.Writing to the database -- 9.The GridView family -- 10.Stored procedures -- 11.Modifying the database structure -- 12.Useful techniques -- 13.Application design and implementation.

9781590595770 (pbk.) : £30.99 9781590595770

Active server pages.
Microsoft Visual BASIC.

Visual programming (Computer science)
Microsoft .NET.
Internet programming.
Computers and IT.
Software Engineering
Web programming

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