Scheller-Sheridan, Carmen.

Basic guide to dental instruments / Carmen Scheller. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. - 288 p.

Originally published: 2006. Includes index.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Infection control in the dental surgery -- Dental radiography -- Basic instruments -- Instruments and sundries used in moisture control -- Local anaesthesia -- Instruments used for rubber dam placement -- Handpieces, burs, and rotary attachments -- Instruments used in basic restorative procedures -- Matrix bands and matrix retainers -- Instruments used in endodontic treatment -- Elevators -- Extraction forceps -- Surgical instruments -- Measuring devices -- Impression trays -- Orthodontic instruments -- Instruments used in periodontal procedures -- Instruments used in removable and fixed prosthodontics.

This volume provides a working inventory of dental instrumentation in common use in dental surgeries. A photograph of each class and many varieties of instrument is included, and then described according to name, usage, any relevant features and varieties.

9781444335323 (pbk.) : £21.99 9781444335323 (pbk.)


Dental instruments and apparatus--Handbooks, manuals, etc
Health and Wellbeing.
Dental Instruments--Handbooks

RK681 / .S33 2011

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