Bylikin, Sergey,

IB chemistry. Course book / by Sergey Bylikin, Gary Horner, Brian Murphy, David Tarcy. - 2014 edition. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 824 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm - Oxford IB diploma programme .

1.Stoichiometric relationships -- 2.Atomic structure -- 3.Peridicity -- 4.Chemical bonding and structure -- 5.Energetics/thermochemistry -- 6.Chemical kinetics -- 7.Equilibrium -- 8.Acids and bases -- 9.Redox processes -- 10.Organic chemistry -- 11.Measurement and data processing -- 12.Atomic structure -- 13.The periodic table - the transition metals (AHL) -- 14.Chemical bonding and strucutre (AHL) -- 15.Energetics/thermochemistry (AHL) -- 16.Chemical kinetics (AHL) -- 17.Equilibrium (AHL) -- 18.Acids and bases (AHL) -- 19.Redox processes (AHL) 20.Organic chemistry (AHL) -- 21.Measurement and analysis (AHL) -- 21.Measurement and analysis (AHL) -- A. Materials -- B.Biochemistry -- C.Energy -- D.Medicinal chemistry -- Internal assessment.

This chemistry resource is developed with the IB to accurately match the new 2014 syllabus for both SL and HL. This revised edition gives you unrivalled support for the new concept-based approach to learning, the nature of science. Understanding, applications and skills are integrated in every topic, alongside TOK links and real-world connections to truly drive independent inquiry.

9780198392125 (pbk.) : £36.00 9780198392125 (pbk.) : Đ36.00

Popular Science and Mathematics.
Educational material
Educational: Chemistry


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