Cowen, Perle Slavik. Moorhead, Sue.

Current issues in nursing. - 8th ed. / Perle Slavik Cowen, Sue Moorhead. - St. Louis, Mo. ; London : Elsevier Mosby, 2010. - 832 p. ; 26 cm.

Previous ed.: 2006.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PROFESSIONAL CHALLENGES, COLLABORATION AND CONFLICT:- Overview: Challenges, collaborations and conflict:- 50. Collaboration between nurses and physicians: The need for a broader view--51. Health professions education in community-based settings: A collaborative journey--52. Overcoming polarity in nursing--53. Expanding into the twenty-first century: Men in nursing--54. Nursing employment issues: Increasing unionization in nursing--55. Managing generational issues in nursing: Preserving the future of the profession--SECTION 8: CULTURAL INCLUSIVENESS:- Overview: Diversity in nursing: A challenge for the United States:-56. Should nursing be more diversified?--57. Minority representation in nursing: Diversity, cultural competency and racism - the challenge persists--58. Bridging cultures: Blacks and nursing--59. Asian americans and Pacific Islanders and nursing: narrowing the health disparities gap--60. Bridging cultures: Hispanics / Latinos and nursing--61. Bridging cultures: American indians and nursing--SECTION 9: ETHICAL, LEGAL, AND SOCIAL ISSUES:- Overview: Ethical, Legal, and social concerns in a changing health care world:-62. Ethics of health care reform: Should health care be rationed?--63. The nurse as patient advocate: Is there a conflict of interest?--64. Ethical nursing practice: It\'s all about relationship--65. Harassment and discrimination issues in nursing--66. Health care for the poor and underserved--67. Legal, ethical, and moral considerations in caring for individuals with diminished capacity--68. Nurses\' role in patients\' advance directives: Facilitation or reduction of patient autonomy?--69. Environmental disasters: Nurse preparedness for radiation and chemical events--70. All-Hazards preparedness: Advocating for mothers and babies--71. Disaster nursing and the american red cross--72. The greening of health care--SECTION 10: VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND CARE: nURSING\'S ROLE:- Overview: Violence: The expanding role of nursing in prrevention and care:- 73. Child maltreatment: Nursing considerations--74. Nursing care: Preventing firearm injuries--75. Group interventions with African American women survivors of Intimate Partner Violence---76. Nursing care: Victims of Violence -Elder mistreatment--77. Disaster nursing during terrorist events--78. Nursing practice in Emergency Management and disaster preparedness--79. More nurse involvement needed in infectious disease disaster preparedness--80. Compassion fatigue in nursing--SECTION 11: GLOBAL NURSING CONSIDERATIONS:- Overview: Issues abroad:- 81. The global nursing shortage - An issue of social justice--82. Nursing in wars--83. Nursing at the World Health Organization: The (in) Visibility of chief nurses--84. Global health needs and priorities in developing countries--85. The global health agenda: Are nursing and midwifery responding. SECTION 1: DEFINING NURSING FROM A VARIETY OF ROLES:- Overview: The richness of nursing:-1. What is nursing, why do we ask and how will nursing be better understood?--2. Staff Nurses working in hospitals: Who are they, what do they do, and what are their challenges?--3. Clinical nurse specialists: Education and practice issues--4. Nurse practitioners: Taking their place in the health care arena--5. Nurse executives: Critical thinking for rapid change--6. The nurse as chief executive officer:--7. Nurse educators: Issues that affect the profession--8. Nurse researchers: Who are they, what do they do, and what are their challenges? SECTION 2: CHANGING EDUCATION:- Overview: Nursing Education in Transition:- 9. Creating the future of nursing Education: Challenges and opportunities--10. Educational Challenges: quality in prelicensure nursing Education--11. Graduate Nursing education: A critical examination from a global perspective--12. International Collaborative institutional approaches to nursing education--13. Using academic-service collaborative partnerships to expand professional nursing programs--14. Creating the nursing theory-Research-practice nexus--15. E-Learning--SECTION 3: CHANGING PRACTICE:- Overiew: Nursing Specialties:- 16. Moving the care from hospital to home--17. Adult health nursing practice: Recent changes and current issues--18. Alternative and complementary therapies: recent changes and current issues--19. Ambulatory care nursing: Challenges for the twenty-first century--20. Gerontological nursing: Recent changes and current issues--21. Hospice and palliative care: One solution for improving U.S. Health care?--22. Pediatric nursing: Recent changes and current issues--23. Perinatal nursing: Recent changes and current issues--24.Perioperative nursing: Recent Changes and current issues--25. Psychiatric mental health nursing: Recent changes and current issues--26. Forensic nursing: Recent changes and current issues--27. Occupational health nursing: Recent changes and current issues--28. Genetics, Genomics and current issues for professional nursing--SECTION 4: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES:- Overview: The impact of technology on health care:- 29. Nursing: A profession evolving with the use o informatics and technology--30. Standardized terminologies and integrated information systems: Building blocks for transforming data into nursing knowledge--31. Nursing informatics: Partnership at the crossroads of practice and research--32.Sustaining a focus group devoted to standardized language development--33. Why health information technology standards and harmonization are important?--34. Personal health records as a tool for improving the delivery of health care--35. Global challenges of electronic records for nursing--SECTION 5: HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS AND PRACTICE:- Overview: The impact of evolving health care systems on nursing:-36. From a medical care system for a few to a comprehensive health care system for all--37. The challenge: Participate in the era of politics - Choose an ideology and lead--38. Defining health disparities from three viewpoints: Reducing inequality in health care--39. Magnet designation: Creating new synergies--40. The research imperative for the nurse executive--41. Laying the foundation for evidence-based practice for nurse residents--42. Determining staffing needs based on patient outcomes versus nursing interventions--43. Impact of the health insurance portability and accountability act--44. Trends in long-term care--SECTION 6: HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION AND FINANCE:-Overview: Identifying and controlling health care costs:- 45. Controlling health care costs: Balancing public and private solutions--46. Business coalitions: Shaping health reform through technology and science--47. Mergers and acquisitions--48. The cost of home health care: changes and challenges--49. Drugs are too cheap--SECTION 7:

Providing a forum for knowledgeable debate on the important issues that nurses face, this work groups chapters into sections focusing on major themes. Each section includes an overview, a debate chapter, and viewpoint chapters. It aims to offer an opportunity to analyse conflicting viewpoints.

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