Johns, Christopher.

Becoming a reflective practitioner / Christopher Johns. - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 320 p.

Previous ed.: Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements. Part 1 Basic structures. 1 Exploring reflection. The significance of reflective practices for professional life. Knowing reflection. Whole-brain stuff. A typology of reflective practices. Setting out my stall. Bimadisiwin. Prerequisites of reflection. Energy work. Being in place. Developing voice. Evaluating reflection. Conclusion. 2 A reflective framework for clinical practice. Peter and Sam. The Burford NDU model: caring in practice. Vision. From vision to reality. A structural view of a reflective framework for clinical practice. Organisational culture. The Burford model s explicit assumptions. Conclusion. 3 Becoming reflective. Tom and Joan. Narrative. Dialogue. The first dialogical movement: doodles in my journal. The second dialogical movement: surfing the reflective spiral. Dwelling with the text and gaining insight. Framing perspectives. Conclusion. 4 The third and fourth dialogical movements. The third dialogical movement: the dance with Sophia. The fourth dialogical movement: dialogue with peers and guides. The nature of guidance. Conclusion. 5 The fifth and sixth dialogical movements. Reflection as art. Being playful, being disciplined. Autoethnography. Conclusion. 6 Being available. Tony. Being available. Holding and intending to realise a vision. The extent to which the practitioner knows the other. The extent to which the practitioner is concerned for the other. The extent to which the practitioner can grasp and interpret the clinical moment and respond with appropriate skilful action (the aesthetic response). Poise the extent to which the practitioner knows and manages self within relationship. Conclusion. 7 Creating an environment where being available is possible. Cathy and the GPs. Realising our power. Hank s complaint. Horizontal violence. Support. Debriefing. Therapeutic benefits of disclosure. Conclusion. 8 Therapeutic journalling for patients. Moira Vass living with motor neurone disease. Reflection. Listening to the patient s story. Conclusion. Part 2 Narratives of being available. 9 Jill Jarvis: reflection on touch and the environment. Introduction. Touch (Jill Jarvis). Environment (Jill Jarvis). Conclusions. 10 Simon Lee: reflection on caring. Introduction. Simon writes. Involvement. 11 Clare Coward: life begins at 40. Clare writes. 12 Jim Jones: balancing the wind or a lot of hot air. Jim writes. Part 3 Creating the reflective environment. 13 Reflective communication. Talk. Confidentiality. Patient notes. Narrative. Reflection. Conclusion. 14 Ensuring quality. A narrative of a quality initiative to improve midwifery care to postnatal women in the community. Reflection. Conclusion. 15 Transformational leadership. Sally writes: a little voice in a big arena. Susan writes: liberating to care. Reflection. Conclusion. 16 Clinical supervision and nurturing the learning organisation. Bumping heads. Revealing woozles. Clinical supervision. The learning organisation. Contracting. Four variables of clinical supervision. Emancipatory or technical supervision. Peer-led supervision. Qualities of the ideal supervisor. Heron s six-category intervention analysis. Modes of supervision. The nine step model. Trudy s story. Conclusion.Practitioner 17 Reflection as chaos theory. Lazell writes. Reflection. Conclusion. 18 The reflective curriculum. Running in place. Teacher identity. Tripods. Frozen stories. Teaching through reflective practice. Camp-fire teaching. Trust. Judging reflective writing. Disadvantages. Conclusion. 19 The performance turn. Introduction. The performance turn. Performance texts. Musical chairs. RAW. Notes. How might performance be judged as valid? First a warning! Authenticity/speaking your truth. Conclusion. Appendix Clinical supervision evaluation tool. References. Index.

This guide to developing reflective practice reflects significant developments in reflective theory and examines Christopher Johns' own model for structured reflection centred on care and the caring relationship.

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