Gray, Clifford F.

Project management: The managerial process/ Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson. - 4th rev. ed. - London: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2007. - xvi, 589p.; ill.; 25cm.+ 2 CD-ROMs. - McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences. .

Accompanied by 2 CD-ROMs (MS Office Project 2007 and Student CD-ROM).

Includes index.

Modern Project Management 2: Organization Strategy and Project Selection 3: Organization: Structure and Culture 4: Defining the Project 5: Estimating Project Times and Costs 6: Developing a Project Plan 7: Managing Risk 8: Scheduling Resources and Costs 9: Reducing Project Duration 10: Leadership: Being an Effective Project Manager 11: Managing Project Teams 12: Outsourcing: Managing Interorganizational Relations 13: Progress and Performance Measurement and Evaluation 14: Project Audit and Closure 15: International Projects 16: Oversight Appendix 1: SimProject Case Appendix 2: Computer Project Exercises


Project management

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