CRC handbook of chemistry and physics : a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data. Chemistry and physics - 95th edition / edited by William M. Haynes. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2014. - 2693 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 29 cm

Previous edition: 2013.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section 1: Basic constants, units, and conversion factors -- Section 2: Symbols, terminology, and nomenclature -- Section 3: Physical constants of organic compounds -- Section 4: Properties of the elements and inorganic compounds -- Section 5: Thermochemistry, electrochemistry, and solution chemistry -- Section 6: Fluid properties -- Section 7: Biochemistry -- Section 8: Analytical chemistry -- Section 9.Molecular structure and spetroscopy -- Seciton 10.Atomic, molecular and optical physics -- Section 11: Nuclear and particle physics -- Section 12: Properties of solids -- Section 13: Polymer properties -- Section 14.Geophysics, astronomy, and acoustics -- Section 15.Practical laboratory data -= Section 16: Health and safety information -- Appendix A: Mathematical tables.

This handbook continues to offer the most authoritative, up-to-date data to scientists around the world. It contains revisions, updates, and expansions to tables, including those elucidating the composition and properties of various natural oils and fats.

9781482208672 (pbk.) : �108.00 �108.00 �108.00


QD65 / .H3 2014

Section 1: Basic constants, units, and conversion factors 530 HAY