
AutoCAD secrets : things every user should know /

Abbott, Daniel H.

AutoCAD secrets : things every user should know / Daniel H. Abbott. - Chichester : John Wiley, 2007. - 408 p.

1.AutoCAD productivity -- 2.Managing your system -- 3.Customizing the AutoCAD interface -- 4.Applying graphics standards -- 5.Symbols, tables, and fields -- 6.Plotting -- 7.AutoCAD scripts -- 8.AutoLISP by example: getting started -- 9.AutoLISP by example: getting better -- 10.3D for everyone -- 11.AutoCAD puzzlers.

Taking a real-world approach to functions and features, explaining not only how a technique works, but also why and when the technique should be employed, this book offers tips and techniques, and is supported with instructor materials, including a syllabus, PowerPoint slides for each chapter, and test questions.

9780470109939 (pbk.) : £25.99 0470109939 (pbk.) : Đ25.99


Computer-aided design.
Computer-aided design (CAD)


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